torsdag 18. september 2008

The Raptus comic festival

The Raptus festival in Bergen went well. It was held as usual in the Grieg Hall in the center of the city. For once, the weather was fabulous. My heart jumped when I held my two new books in my hands, I was very satisfied with them.
Jan P. Krogh from the museum of comics in Norway held a speech about a fond the museum would set up to support children´s comics. (I met his apprentice at the festival party, a young 16-year guy who is interested in making special effects. He has already made a big-sized comic figure in the comics museum, and asked my permission to make a statue of another- Padda, the mascot of the museum. You can see him here; and the homepage of the Norwegian museum of comics here.
Of the few events I could get into, between my signature sessions, was the funny duel between Thierry Capazzone and Mike Collins. Both eminent artists, it was a delight to watch, and the public cheered.
Another speech was held by Morten Myklebust, founder of a firm called "The Fantasy Factory". It was very interesting, because he deals with selling comic concepts to politicans and buisnessmen, something very few of us do.
I myself had two speeches, one about Miranda and one about the Knights of Dor. At least one in the public knew about my webcomics on WCN, and asked me about the translations and stuff. I got to tell him it was thanks to Lars Doucet that it was up and going, he had begun the translation on the Knights, and I discovered the fun of showing off comics on the internet. When Lars got occupied with school and education, and the inventing of games,here; I continued myself. My translations are, of course, temporary, as I believe one seldom can match the richness of expressions, when you are a foreigner.
The festival party on the Saturday evening was very enjoyable, it was my birthday besides, I got a cake and a birthday song, and a cheer! I felt touched! The comic people are great guys, every one of them...

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